Jobaktiv fair and

AR City Media



The topic recruiting , ie the search for young people for
companies or authorities, is becoming increasingly important. Accordingly,
the efforts of everyone to court the target
target group are becoming more complex. It is no longer just
what you offer in terms of training opportunities and
content. The step before it becomes more and more important: Where
do I address young people and young adults, and how
can I reach this target group?
The Federal Employment Agency uses trade fairs, among other things.
And the employment agency Berlin Nord relied on the
support from us.


We supported the employment agency in the successful implementation of the
“Jobaktiv 2019” trade fair with targeted
communication measures.
At “Berlin’s large job fair” on Monday, .
September and Tuesday, September 10th from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. over 50 well-known companies from various industries.
Before the trade fair, we have Website brought
online: At all
interested parties were able to find out about the wide range, which included
a portfolio check, lectures and workshops and
Additional practical help was offered such as the opportunity to take professional
application photos.


Of course, we have built this website in a “responsive design”
, that is, programmed so that it can be accessed on all devices from which
it is accessed , optimally represents. Especially the target group
of the fair, the younger generation goes through
life with their smartphone and so the site has to function particularly mobile. And
she does that of course.
We also developed a short animation video for the Jobaktiv
trade fair. In 35 entertaining and appealing
seconds the visit to the fair was advertised. The
most important program items of the fair were presented in a playful way.
At the end, a call-to-action was referred to the website of the
The videos ran in advance of the fair exactly where many of the
young people and young adults to be addressed are
daily: The animation video was shown on numerous screens in the Berlin subway stations
and thus reached tens of thousands of
Berliners .
A successful combination of various measures – video and
online – with the aim of generating
as many visitors as possible for the fair.

Ready to start?

If you are also interested in getting your company into the fast lane, please send us an email. We look forward to hear from you!

Ar City Media, your ethno marketing specialist in Berlin.