Ethno marketing seminars for your company

A seminar on Ethno-Marketing opens up new perspectives and sets the right impulses to open up new groups of buyers.

Did you know that 19.7 million people have a migration background in Germany. So almost every fourth! A huge target group for you as an advertiser. With possibly great potential. Do you reach these groups of buyers with your products or services?

If not, then let’s talk about ethno marketing. That means nothing other than specifically targeting a certain ethnic group with suitable content and the right tonality

About our seminars

Our expert for Ethno-Marketing is in the Turkey grew up and came to Germany as a child. He knows both cultures and is rooted in them. As an expert in cross-cultural marketing, he advises German companies and institutions on how to reach Turkish and Arabic-speaking target groups in particular.


” Personalized marketing will be one of the biggest trends in the coming years. But if you only think of marketing automation and not also of ethno-marketing , misses opportunities and throws up wealthy customers. “

Use our know-how. It could be worth it, because only the Turkish-born community in Germany has purchasing power:

of 18 billion euros!

We know how and where to reach the approximately 3 million Turks. How to address you. AR City Media is your expert for ethno marketing and sees itself as an intermediary between the worlds.

Interested in an individual ethno marketing seminar? Contact us!

The seminar gives you a compact overview of the opportunities and risks of ethno marketing and shows you the way to your own ethno marketing strategy.

Get in Touch

Are you planning a seminar or are you looking for premises? Do you need a speaker?

Ask without obligation, we look forward to hearing from you!
