We support small and medium-sized companies as well as groups in all phases of corporate development; from short-term individual measures to long-term overall project.
In the next few years and decades, the relevance of Germany’s industrial location in relation to the production of goods will decrease in favor of other locations, especially of the Middle and Far East. On the other hand, Germany will play an increasingly important role in the global economy when it comes to innovation and development. In order to be successful in an increasingly globalized business world despite these exciting developments, not only large companies, but also smaller and medium-sized companies will be even more dependent on cooperation with foreign partners and outsourcing of certain production steps.
In order to make this successful, it is advisable to have a strong and reliable partner at your side who speaks the national language, understands the customary national customs and is familiar with the local business world. This is where AR City Media GmbH comes in.
What can we do for you?
For Domestic Customers
We at AR City Media GmbH specialize in actively supporting German companies in their expansion into Arabic-speaking countries, Turkey and the countries of the former Soviet Union and taking all the necessary steps from A to Z for a successful positioning for you in the appropriate markets to take over. When expanding abroad, ignorance of the circumstances and customs of the local business world, as well as the legal and administrative circumstances, can lead to considerable bad investments and delays. To protect you from this, we advise you on all country-specific, economic and legal questions regarding your project to gain a foothold in these countries. Our big plus is our experienced and multicultural team, which has appropriate contacts on site and knows both the mentality and the national language. We act as a link between the different cultures and guarantee that your investment runs smoothly.
For Customers from Abroad
AR City Media GmbH also supports entrepreneurs from abroad to position themselves on the German market and make targeted, successful investments. We help you to lay the foundation for your economic success in Germany. For this we offer you a complete support for your project; from the founding of the company to the application and treatment of your and your family’s visa matters. We at AR City Media GmbH support you from day one to implement your project quickly and safely, since there are significant differences in mentality and customs in the local business world as well as in the administrative steps to be taken when positioning in Germany compared to countries in the Near and Middle East. You too can benefit from our intercultural strengths, our contacts and our knowledge of the markets in Germany!
Perfect for your investment!
We check properties worldwide! Save yourself tedious journeys and let us record the objects of your interest for you. Discreet, fast and in very high quality! Our drone flights are particularly interesting for real estate companies, property managers and the like. Talk to us and save time and money.
News & Updates
Eine Webseite, die das Branding stärkt! B-Plus
Eine Webseite, die das Branding stärkt Die Website von B+ musste die Marke in jeder Hinsicht reflektieren – von der Farbgebung über die Bildsprache bis hin zur Benutzerführung. Ein einheitliches Branding schafft Vertrauen und Wiedererkennung, und das war von zentraler...
Eurogida Expandiert
Eurogida und AR City Media pflegen seit langen Jahren eine sehr erfolgreiche Partnerschaft. Wir freuen uns, die größte türkische Supermarktkette in Berlin mit vielen Kommunikationslösungen begleiten zu dürfen. Eurogida expandiert – und wir finden immer wieder neue Tools, mit denen wir die Marke unterstützen. Jüngstes Beispiel: das gut 1-minütige Animationsvideo, das auf Social Media, auf YouTube und auf der Website Eurogida als „One-Stop-Shop” neu positioniert.
Ethno-Marketing für das Einrichtungshaus Ostermann
Mit dem Möbelspezialisten Ostermann aus Nordrhein-Westfalen pflegen wir bereits seit einigen Jahren eine sehr erfolgreiche Partnerschaft. Das Traditions-Einrichtungshaus hat die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt. Ostermann ist mit seinem Tochterunternehmen „Trends” nicht nur auf Social Media aktiv, sondern setzt dabei auch erfolgreich auf Ethno-Marketing.